Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
"How to Impress a Girl"
- Be well-groomed. Brush your hair, shower, wash your face use deodorant, a little cologne, and apply acne medicine daily (if you have a problem with your skin). Don't wear your pants off your butt, often called "sagging", it's not that attractive to the majority of girls. This is essential if you are even going to approach an attractive girl . Wear clean, attractive clothes that fit. (If in doubt, get an older sister or close female friend to help you in this department.) Don't wear skin tight clothes, but don't wear clothes that are too baggy either, girls hate that.
2Have a great attitude. Be fun to hang around with, easy to laugh with, and be outgoing. Just don't be full of yourself. A girl may like an overly cocky guy at first, but eventually, she will find it selfish. Don't try to impress everyone - girls like humble guys. At the same time, a sense of humor is always good. Girls love it when guys can make them laugh.
3Show respect. If you respect everyone and give them their space, they'll all respect you. With girls, it works even better. If they see you respecting everyone, and not getting pushed around while you're at it, they will be reassured that you will treat them right. Be kind to all.
4Have good conversations. Try to aim for you both to be speaking half of the time, but make sure that you are saying something worthwhile; it's not attractive when only one person talks endlessly or when they say bad words. Another thing to watch for is her attention. If she isn't paying complete attention, do not repeat yourself several times. This makes girls feel you are desperate, and usually annoying.
5Show interest in her - let her talk. The #1 mistake when talking to a girl is focusing on yourself. Girls are way more comfortable when they talk about common interests. Ask about their interests, hobbies, favorite books, music, etc. If she asks you a question, answer it in a few, short sentences and then redirect the question back at her. This engages her in the conversation. When in doubt, compliment her like your hair looks nice today. Even if a girl does not like you yet, complimenting her will make her feel good about herself and think positively about you.
6Try flirting! Don't be obsessive! If you both make eye contact, do not be the one to look away, but do not stare for too long. When you both make eye contact, just give a slight smile. Touch her arm or shoulder for a few seconds. Physical contact is a great way to show you're interested. If she seems uncomfortable, do not do it again.
7She may look away and she might blush a little. Be careful though; you don't want to stare her down. A good move is to look away, and if she likes you she will shoot you glances. Watch for that. And be courteous. Open doors. Do kind things, girls love that.
8Respect her friends and their ideas and opinions. Always speak highly of her and never talk trash about her. It will damage her reputation and yours. Hopefully then it will work both ways - she will be tolerant of your friends. Be careful not to compliment her friends too much, however. Example: You may say "Your friends seem cool. We should hang out with them and my friends some time, I think they'd get along". You may not say "Sally is so hot. She has the nicest eyes". You may think getting her jealous is a good idea, but it just makes them angry.
9Have your friends be nice to her It's a fantastic thing when your friends don't make a total fool of you. Warn them ahead of time and avoid topics pertaining to embarrassing moments of your past or awkward jokes that make very little sense. Don't introduce her to your friends right away though. You want her to like you, not start dating one of your buddies. If your friends like to embarrass you, try to avoid them altogether.
10Be polite to her parents. Be kind to everyone, especially them. Don't be too over-the-top charming with the parents, however, or they'll think that you have something to hide.Be willing make sure that you and her father get along as he will be looking out for his daughter.
11Don't criticize her. Unless she asks for constructive criticism. And even then she probably wants you to compliment her.
12Be romantic, but not over the top. If you've been dating for a while you may attempt a grand romantic gesture, otherwise, you'll look like a stalker. It's also okay to be a little cheesy, like giving her a bouquet of roses and a loving poem. It may sound like a bad idea, but girls will find it thoughtful if it came from your heart. A better idea than being cheesy is to really LISTEN to her & remember things she likes. Then take her somewhere she's mentioned wanting to go, or buy her the books she's been wanting & hide a little note inside. Flowers & candy are really cliche & don't really mean much since anyone can just buy someone flowers. Showing you've been listening to her wants & needs goes a LOT farther than roses!!
13Start talking to her casually. If you don't know her, make friendly conversation. Ask for the time, and/or compliment her watch. Avoid throwing too many compliments about clothes or shoes around, that might make women think that you are homosexual as many gay men are fashion-forward.
14Do not play "hard to get". Sure, you'll get their attention for a day or two then after a while, the girl will end up frustrated, and she'll think you don't find interest in her anymore.
15Be careful with what you say. Do not discuss bodily functions in her presence, or make jokes of a sexual nature unless she starts doing so. Also, don't discuss anything gross or inappropriate. She'll get grossed out.
16Hum in her presence She might think of you whenever she hears that song. And she'll probably be impressed by your good taste in music. Some girls have actually dumped guys or stopped liking guys when they insulted the music they like. So, it's OK not to like her music, but don't be insulting her favorite singer(s)/band(s)! Try to figure out what music you BOTH like.
17Start an inside joke with her! She will feel included and become closer to you. It also gives you an easy-to-come-up-with conversation starter. Try not to overuse it and kill the joke.
18End later meetings with a hug, or plans to meet some other time, if you can. Make sure to tell her that you enjoyed her company.
19Tell her that you "like her" frequently. Ask her out.
20Touch her occasionally, like on the shoulder or hand. Be sure do not touch her private parts, however.
21Opposites attract. Be a courageous gentleman, not coy like a lady might be. Stand up for her if something is wrong.
22Show your funny side. A lot of women look for sense of humor in a partner. You should however be mindful of their reactions to your jokes and avoid offensive humor. Unless they like that. Find out if she likes comedy. If she watches Comedy Central, find out her favorite comedian or favorite impression and try it out for her.
23Make her feel good. This is a really good thing that impresses girls. They love it when you let them know you care for them. If she's sad, just simply put your arm around her neck. Make her happy, at least as much as you can. Flirt with her, hold her hand it will make her feel special.
24Don't ever make fun of your friends around her If you do, it might make her think that you're a jerk. When someone makes fun of other people, it makes a woman wonder what they might be saying about HER when she's not around!!!
25Be honest. Do something creative, something extraordinary or something that others never do. That creates a question mark for the girl about you, and it also makes you interesting.
26Be open. Don't share too many secrets with her. Sprinkle a little and don't irritate her asking repeated questions. Always keep your face glowing and charming.
Embedded Systems IN ADIDAS
Adidas has developed the world's first "smart shoe" that uses a microprocessor to adapt the shoe's cushioning level to a runner's size, stride and comfort. Adidas 1 , the smart shoe is the result of a closely-held, four-year project at the European company's U.S. research and development headquarters in Portland, Ore. Adidas claims its smart show will revolutionize long-distance running and training. This great innovation adds to the company’s prestigious list of seven hundred patents and other intellectual property rights.
“It senses, understands and adapts”. The shoe provides intelligent cushioning by automatically and continuously adjusting itself. It does so by sensing the cushioning level, using a sensor and a magnet. It then understands whether the cushioning level is too soft or too firm using a micro processor. It adapts with a motor-driven cable system to provide the correct cushioning throughout the run.
It works like a human reflex nerve. The nerve is a magnetic sensing system, where the sensor sits just below the runner's heel and the magnet is placed at the bottom of the midsole. On each impact, this sensor measures the distance from top to bottom of the midsole (accurate to .1 mm) gauging the compression and therefore the amount of cushioning is being used.
Underneath the arch is a microprocessor (20 MHz). The entire microprocessor kit weighs less than 40 grams, or about 10 percent of an average weight of running shoe. The design seeks for reduce weight and drag for long-distance runners. The algorithms, that are designed specifically for the shoe compares the compression messages received from the sensor to a preset zone and understands if the shoe is too soft or too firm.
Once it has determined if the cushioning level is appropriate, it sends a command to the shoe's muscle to make a change.
A motor-driven cable system is the shoe's muscle. The motor, housed in the mid foot, receives the processor's instructions and adapts by turning a screw, which lengthens or shortens a cable. This cable is secured to the walls of a plastic cushioning element. When the cable is shortened, the cushioning element is tensed and only a little compression is allowed (becomes firm). When the cable is longer, it allows the cushioning element to compress further, making the shoe's ride softer. A small battery, which is replaceable and lasts for 100 hours of running, provides the motor's power. The changes are gradual and happen automatically, so all the runner notices is that, the shoe feels right during an entire run. For manual adjustments, two buttons have been provide that will let the user, adjust compression resistance up or down.
After thousands of hours of prototyping and testing, it has been declared that, it can endure the wear-and-tear of running on surfaces ranging from pavement, dirt trails or even beaches. This technological innovation is surely a positive step toward ‘the next-generation of running shoes’. I am sure, no one could help your selves from finding out on first-hand, whether having a little computational power would make any difference in our daily workout
Once it has determined if the cushioning level is appropriate, it sends a command to the shoe's muscle to make a change.
A motor-driven cable system is the shoe's muscle. The motor, housed in the mid foot, receives the processor's instructions and adapts by turning a screw, which lengthens or shortens a cable. This cable is secured to the walls of a plastic cushioning element. When the cable is shortened, the cushioning element is tensed and only a little compression is allowed (becomes firm). When the cable is longer, it allows the cushioning element to compress further, making the shoe's ride softer. A small battery, which is replaceable and lasts for 100 hours of running, provides the motor's power. The changes are gradual and happen automatically, so all the runner notices is that, the shoe feels right during an entire run. For manual adjustments, two buttons have been provide that will let the user, adjust compression resistance up or down.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
15 tips for placement
The thought of writing a resume intimidates almost anyone. It's difficult to know where to start or what to include. It can seem like an insurmountable task. Here are 15 tips to help you not only tackle the task, but also write a winning resume.
Determine your job search objective prior to writing the resume
Once you have determined your objective, you can structure the content of your resume around that objective. Think of your objective as the bull's-eye to focus your resume on hitting. If you write your resume without having a clear objective in mind, it will likely come across as unfocused to those that read it. Take the time before you start your resume to form a clear objective.
Think of your resume as a marketing tool
Think of yourself as a product, potential employers as your customers, and your resume as a brochure about you. Market yourself through your resume. What are your features and benefits? What makes you unique? Make sure to convey this information in your resume.
Use your resume to obtain an interview, not a job
You don't need to go into detail about every accomplishment. Strive to be clear and concise. The purpose of your resume is to generate enough interest in you to have an employer contact you for an interview. Use the interview to provide a more detailed explanation of your accomplishments and to land a job offer.
Use bulleted sentences
In the body of your resume, use bullets with short sentences rather than lengthy paragraphs. Resumes are read quickly. This bulleted sentence format makes it easier for someone to quickly scan your resume and still absorb it.
Use action words
Action words cause your resume to pop. To add life to your resume, use bulleted sentences that begin with action words like prepared, developed, monitored, and presented.
Use #'s, $'s and %'s
Numbers, dollars, and percentages stand out in the body of a resume. Use them. Here are two examples:
Managed a department of 10 with a budget of $1,000,000.
Increased sales by 25% in a 15-state territory.
Lead with your strengths
Since resumes are typically reviewed in 30 seconds, take the time to determine which bullets most strongly support your job search objective. Put those strong points first where they are more apt to be read.
Play Match Game
Review want ads for positions that interest you. Use the key words listed in these ads to match them to bullets in your resume. If you have missed any key words, add them to your resume.
Use buzzwords
If there are terms that show your competence in a particular field, use them in your resume. For marketing people, use "competitive analysis." For accounting types, use "reconciled accounts."
Accent the positive
Leave off negatives and irrelevant points. If you feel your date of graduation will subject you to age discrimination, leave the date off your resume. If you do some duties in your current job that don't support your job search objective, leave them off your resume. Focus on the duties that do support your objective. Leave off irrelevant personal information like your height and weight.
Show what you know
Rather than going into depth in one area, use your resume to highlight your breadth of knowledge. Use an interview to provide more detail.
Show who you know
If you have reported to someone important such as a vice president or department manager, say so in your resume. Having reported to someone important causes the reader to infer that you are important.
Construct your resume to read easily
Leave white space. Use a font size no smaller than 10 point. Limit the length of your resume to 1-2 pages. Remember, resumes are reviewed quickly. Help the reader to scan your resume efficiently and effectively.
Have someone else review your resume
Since you are so close to your situation, it can be difficult for you to hit all your high points and clearly convey all your accomplishments. Have someone review your job search objective, your resume, and listings of positions that interest you. Encourage them to ask questions. Their questions can help you to discover items you inadvertently left off your resume. Revise your resume to include these items. Their questions can also point to items on your resume that are confusing to the reader. Clarify your resume based on this input.
Submit your resume to potential employers
Have the courage to submit your resume. Think of it as a game where your odds of winning increase with every resume you submit. You really do increase your odds with every resume you submit. Use a three-tiered approach. Apply for some jobs that appear to be beneath you. Perhaps they will turn out to be more than they appeared to be once you interview for them. Or perhaps once you have your foot in the door you can learn of other opportunities. Apply for jobs that seem to be just at your level. You will get interviews for some of those jobs. See how each job stacks up. Try for some jobs that seem like a stretch. That's how you grow -- by taking risks. Don't rule yourself out. Trust the process. Good luck in your job search!
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